
Peer-Reviewed Publications

Vaccine Diplomacy: How COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution in Latin America Increases Trust in Foreign Governments. (with Elena Barham, Sarah Daly, Julián Gerez, and John Marshall.) 2023. World Politics. (Pre-print here).

Coverage: Foreign Policy.

Messaging Interventions that Increase COVID-19 Vaccine Willingness in Latin America. (with Pablo Argote, Elena Barham, Sarah Daly, Julián Gerez, and John Marshall). 2021. PLOS One.

Coverage: Communication Initiative.

The Shot, the Message, and the Messenger: COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance in Latin America. (with Pablo Argote, Elena Barham, Sarah Daly, Julián Gerez, and John Marshall). 2021. Nature Partner Journal: Vaccines.

Dynamic transparency: An audit of Mexico’s Freedom of Information Act. (with Paul Lagunes). 2019. Public Administration.

Other Publications

Can Proportional Representation Create Better Governance? (with John Carey.) Protect Democracy and New America White Paper.

Argentina’s Elections Are Becoming Dangerously American. (with Grant Tudor). Foreign Policy.

Democracy Hypocrisy Examining America’s Fragile Democratic Convictions. (with Joe Goldman and Lee Drutman). Democracy Fund and New America Report.

Understanding the Partisan Divide: How Demographics and Policy Views Shape Party Coalitions. (with Lee Drutman). New America Report.

Undecided Voters: Who They Are, What They Want, and How They Decide Our Politics. (with Lee Drutman). New America Report.

What We Learned About Covid-19 Vaccine Hesitancy and How to Overcome It. Columbia News.

Why El Salvador’s Multi-Party System Is On the Brink of Collapse. El Faro.

Conditional Cash Transfers: International Experience and Policy Implications (with Francisca de Iruarrizaga and Francisco Gallego. Book Chapter in Ingreso Ético Familiar: Innovando en la Lucha Contra la Pobreza.